Due to there being a plethora of species on earth (those seen and those unseen), it is a given that there will be vast difference from one species to another in terms of mating, eating/hunting, survival tactics, and community living vs. solitary. But what tends to set humans apart from most animals is our intellectual capacity; our innate ability to make convoluted decisions. So for most humans, it is a no brainer that we should without a doubt be at the top of the hierarchy because we have the ability to be rational and civil.
I would have to disagree with the average person who believes it is our intellect that sets us apart. I would say "EMOTION" is the ruler of our world. Although humans have the ability to be logical, decisions in many cases are made irrationally (based on that individual's current mood and nothing else). We hunt for food but also for hobbies, bragging rites, power, control and in some cultures it's a rite of passage and honor. We mate for the survival of our species/leaving a legacy, but we also mate because "IT FEELS GOOD," some women think they can keep their man by having children with him, some women have children for monetary gain (child support or welfare) and some have children to fill an emotional void of wanting to be loved and accepted. We kill for survival or self defense, but we also kill because we felt disrespected, wanted power or control, ego, fear, to please others, to hide or cover up a truth, for monetary gain, or for a loved one, for jealousy etc. We live in communities not so much because of survival although community is regarded as a necessary resource. We live in communities because it brings monetary gain, people to talk to, share hobbies and activities, people to manipulate and or control. And we have the audacity to call ourselves civil...smh.
If humans had less emotion and made decisions that were primarily based on logic, EVERY action would be made with a purpose, one in which is closely associated with the basics of everyday living which contributes greatly to survival and nothing more.