New beginnings after an epic fail is like the perfect introduction to a romance novel. The doors are wide open for opportunity and it can only get better as the story unfolds. The cliche has always been that when one door closes another one opens....but the truth is, opportunity is always there!
Every obstacle, minor set back, or "negative" life event has a purpose. It has a way of showing us exactly what we don't want, gives us the understanding that one size does not fit all and puts us in the position to receive something greater. "Everything happens for a reason" and there is no cliche about that.
Have you ever wanted something so badly (a job, car, house, significant other, business etc.) but when you actually received it, it fell short of your expectations? The dream job turned out to be stressful, the car kept breaking down, the house never felt like a home, the significant other was something other than his/her representative and the business was sucking the life out of your resources. Initially, what you wanted was "perfect" but truthfully it was the calm before the storm. Fortunately, after the rain, the sun comes out and the past is....old news because nothing last forever. What you discover is your desire to have a career not a job, the Camry does not come equipped with the luxuries of your new Lexus, that house was too small and you would have outgrown it in a year, your new prospect sparks your interests and lights your fire, and your new business is built on different principles, it is not meant solely to boost your annual income, it is meant to increase your happiness because you love what you are doing and it is cost effective. The moral of the story some point we will experience natural disasters and some rain but there is always more days of sunshine throughout the year!
Well spoken... nuff said