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Monday, December 5, 2011

What's Your Addiction?

Lets keep it real, everyone has something or someone they are addicted to and it is an unspoken universal fact.  Unfortunately, addictions are only talked about when it is harmful and or life threatening...but the truth is too much of anything can KILL YOU!

Some people are addicted to drugs, cigarettes, coffee, sex, rock and roll, food, dieting, debt, pain and sorrow just to name a few.  Take a few moments to think about at least one thing you obsess about constantly and find yourself, telling yourself, "I am going to quit."  Being able to identify that one thing may be the most liberating feeling you will experience in your life.  It is being able to take control simply by admitting that "this thing or person" is CONTROLLING YOU.

I will be the first to admit mines.  I am addicted to aesthetics which is in essence art.  Beauty is everything to me and I will do almost anything to be surrounded by it if I can not be apart of it. I love art so much that I have adorned my body with permanent ink that I value as much as art experts admire the Mona Lisa.  I realized it was an addiction when I found myself constantly thinking of the next art piece to add to my physical collage and then recanting, stating that I am done...or should be done...or just one more...or maybe something small.  It goes on and on haunting me some nights in my sleep.  Tattoos give me a natural high that I get to relive every time I get to look at it (imagine that) addicted.  Whew...that felt sooo good to let out.  Now what's your addiction?


  1. After reading how you feel about tatoos, I can clearly see that shopping is my addiction. I definitely get a natural high off of buying just about ANYTHING! It doesn't even have to be for me. I should have recognized that I had a problem when I was dreaming about shopping one night and got up at 2am and drove to walmart cause it was the only thing open! (YIKES)

  2. LOL...thanks for first acknowledging your addiction and secondly being brave enough to share! You have taken the first step towards FREEDOM!! Welcome.
