The average person would agree that there are certain dreams that rattle them to the core. They either keep having the same dream, they evoke some sort of emotion, or there is something scary about it (life or death). What the average person does not know is that dreams are in fact REAL!!! But what you see is not what you are supposed to get.
Dreams are your wishes, desires, anxiety, shame, and guilt.....your unconcious is talking to you. The dream is camouflaged with a story that may not make any sense to you at all. But if you can unscramble the puzzle, which is the theme, you will be able to figure out exactly what it is you are dealing with in real life at that current time.
I have been able to asssist several people with figuring out what they are going through in order to make sense out of their dreams. Last night, I had a dream and when I woke up this morning, I knew EXACTLY what it meant.
For those who do not know me personally, I went to Westchester High School and I was a varsity cheerleader. I consider Westchester to be home. So I was dreaming that I was at my high school and upon entering the basketball gym, I saw a bunch of new cheerleaders and only one familiar face. That person was the captain of the team and she recognized me as well. When she asked why I was there, I told her I had come back to be a cheerleader (with enthusiasum). Her response was, you're ALL WASHED UP. I was baffeled and had attempted to explain why I felt I was still qualified to cheer. My feelings at that time were in shock because it was my belief that I was not being received well or welcomed back AT ALL.
When I woke up, I unscrambled that dream soooo fast it took me by surprise. I realized that my dream stemmed from my desire to really want to move back home to Los Angeles. What I was feeling when I was not received well, are the unconscious doubts I have about how my childhood friends will receive me. That uncertainty of whether or not things will be like old times, or if I will be a stranger in familiar territory is secretly eating at me. I guess it is because I have been away from home for so long, I am questioning if my friends and I will have much in common upon my return.
That was no ordinary dream, and neither are the dreams you're having. The next time you have a dream that you can't seem to shake...write it down...then ask yourself some questions about your current life. Is there something stressing you out, are you questioning someone's loyalty, are you ready to move on in your career, is family in turmoil or is money constantly haunting you? It will be the most perfect time to receive some guidance about where you are at this particular moment in time.
This is a great idea for deciphering dreams!! My dreams are always very vivid and sometimes effect me physically but I tend to disregard them because the few times I have tried to put some sort of definition to them I always came to the wrong conclusion. I dream very often and ironically someone recently gave me a journal that I had no idea how to put it to good use BUT oddly enough, it's on my make shift nightstand.....go figure.
ReplyDeleteSee, it was meant for you to read this entry!!! Take your time with it...and you will be able to unscramble your dreams in no time! Thanks for sharing!