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Monday, January 16, 2012


Ok, I had to go old school on this one.  Since when did it become ok to harass an ex?  When it's's REALLY over...what do we have to talk about?  Please don't text me, call me, facebook me...or hit me up on twitter or voxer.  If I walked away from you because you BLEW IT....reaching out to me is NOT going to make me like you more!  As a matter of are making me sick to my stomach!!!!

Why is it that when one person ends the relationship and it is thoroughly discussed, the other seems to think there is unfinished business.  Hmmm....please help me understand WHAT IT IS THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! 

A bugaboo can be a male or a female and's disgusting.  WORDS FROM THE WISE...MOVE ON!  Now if the break up was peaceful and a friendship can be maintained...I am ALL for it!  But there are certain situations in which a friendship is not an option.  Taking it to football, the type of foul is going to determine the type of penalty.  An attack from the legs down is going to have a different penalty than a face mask attack....point blank period!  Oh, and don't get mad because the other person is not receptive to having a friendship with you.  It is what it is.  Take it as a lesson learned and GET TA STEPPING (in my Martin Lawrence voice).  If I am wrong about this...holla at me!

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